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Saxophone quartet
n[ex]t move
The saxophone quartet n[ex]t move was founded in July 2011 by the saxophonist Inga Meijere. It is the continuation of the idea of a saxophone quartet of women called n[ex]t that was founded in 2002. A founding member of both ensembles, Inga composes original pieces and writes arrangements especially for the quartet.
The name is derived from two opposites – ex and next, being an amalgam of the past and the future which is indicative of the quartet’s range of repertoire. These two words leave space for the present – the time in which the n[ex]t move quartet works. The word move refers to the new direction for the quartet, moving forward, as well as an engaging performance.
n[ex]t move Repertoire:
- Original music by Latvian and other composers;
- Arrangements of music from various cultures (Latvian, Jewish, Greek, Swedish and others);
- Arrangements of works by classical composers (Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Bizet);
- Film music arranged for a quartet;
- Popular music – George Gershwin, Scott Joplin, James Brown, Michael Jackson, Joe Zawinul, Henry Mancini and others.
The saxophone quartet n[ex]t move has successfully performed at the Urkult festival in Sweden, in schools and cultural centres throughout Latvia as well as at corporate events in the Baltic region and in Mumbai India.
The musical performance of the quartet radiates positive energy through charm and attractiveness that is both musically and visually satisfying.
The n[ex]t move quartet consists of:
- Inga Meijere – soprano, alto saxophone;
- Baiba Tauriņa – alto saxophone;
- Katrīna Kivleniece – tenor saxophone;
- Anete Stikāne – baritone saxophone.
Contacts: Inga Meijere (Director)
tālr. +371 29299329
n[ex]t move website: